Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More Women's role stuff......

“When society was patriarchal, as it was in the New Testament context and as it has been everywhere in the world except in modern society in our day, the church avoided scandal by going along with it — fundamentally evil as patriarchy was and is. Now, however, that modern society is at least officially egalitarian, the scandal is that the church is not going along with society, not rejoicing in the unprecedented freedom to let women and men serve according to gift and call without arbitrary gender line. This scandal impedes both the evangelism of others and the edification — the retention and development of faith — of those already converted.”

Mike Cope has been posting about the above for the past couple of days - and it really has me thinking. If you have the time, please click on the link and read the posts in their entirety. He is laying out some pretty compelling arguments. I almost don't want to read what he is writing, because then I will be forced to think about it, and what if I believe it. Then what? Are our churches currently oppressing women? Is this a serious problem, or just in my head? What is my responsibility to do with this knowledge? Is this one of these - weaker brother things? And don't even get me thinking of the implications to my daughter....aaargh!

I always find it interesting that we are talking about "roles" in church anyway. I am pretty sure Christ has broken down all roles and we are equal in Him - male/female, slave/free and Jew/Greek. Anyway, the posts are worth the read. I am thinking about picking BACK up the book "Slaves, Women and Homosexuals" for another read. I never quite made it all the way through it the first time.


Anonymous said...

You just wait till I get a chance to read these posts...and then I'll give you a piece of my mind...

adam hanauer said...

I wouldn't expect anything less from you. I know who the boss of your household is....

joshua r hanauer said...

We talk of women's roles - because that is what church has become in our day - tasks that must be completed within a given time at a given place. Notice there is no argument over feeding the hungry on a Friday afternoon or clothing the naked on Tuesday. No one would say a word if Emily started a Bible study in your house (so long as it was all women) on Monday's. Anyone is welcome to participate equally in these activities of the church. Nope, it's all about leading our singing on at 1030 and praying at 1042 and preaching from 1056-1116. It's all about Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night. Because we all know that worship inside the church has but a few roles that need filled. It is like the High School play you never tried out for. But, if you had, they would have told you, "you are too short, too quiet and you didn't read the lines correctly." Such it is with our women - and may God have mercy on us. Not all churches (flavors) are still working this way - however - wince for some C of C bashing - WE ARE and with pride. No unholy instrument and no women in our worship - this our new/old battle cry. Women have tried out for our HS play - but are told they missing the correct anatomy. So, we give them other roles in the play that is worship at the church. They are to cook for the party after where the cast is celebrated - "nice sermon Steve, wasn't Josh's prayer precious, I love when chuck leads singing." And then there is Riley Jo and Kylie Elizabeth. It almost cost Maurie her faith and sometimes I think she gave up a little piece of herself to hang around with the stage crew. What shall your answer be?