Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Missional - Shmissional

A story - Occasionally my boss and I get the opportunity to share our faith with each other. He is what I would call a devout Catholic and man of faith.

He and his wife have a curious habit of eating at The Olive Garden most every Saturday evening. They sit at the same table every week. Over a period of time (I don't know how long b/c I never asked) he has developed relationships with the staff. This has reaped many benefits - from free drinks and food to good friendships.

So this morning he tells me an experience he had recently where some of the bartenders, at his favorite restaurant, asked him to attend an evening out for conversation and drinks (I was simply blown away by this fact!). He recounted the stories they told and the things they shared with him. He has had the opportunity to coach, mentor and speak truth into these young men's lives - which I would argue, would have never happened if he wasn't living a missional life. He was willing to spend his "free time" with non-believers in "third places" which many Christians wouldn't step foot in. In is daily "comings and goings" he has formed meaningful relationships with people and now has an amazing opportunity to share God's love with them. I am certain these men respect and admire him for his worldly success - as he has that! I am positive that these men trust him because of the friendship he has extended them. But most of all, I have no doubt in my mind they are willing to listen and hear when he speaks of his faith in a God that he has so appropriately embodied in their midst.

This man is not perfect (he might be reading this blog), but he has shown me the missional life. Although this is just one small example, it is a meaningful one. I count myself blessed to be an eyewitness to the openess of his life and willingness to treat "others better than himself."


Anonymous said...

It is not very often when you have the opportunity to read something as striking as this reflection. Knowing that the person sharing this must be filled with the Holy Spirit such that merely sharing his experience in the hope that others may look more closely at others to learn that missional work does not need to be a effort outside one's circle of aquaintances. Adam has obviously been seeking his role in how to effectively spread the word of Jesus. He is succeeding in some small fashion but using this technology alone - but I assume his efforts and impact is more far reaching. He too must be wanting to engage as many of his readers as possible to do the same. Let me say that doing the work of Jesus is not difficult when you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you. Spreading the Word and positively influencing others does, from time to time, pose its share of challenges. But with people like Adam to help inspire you, ones can become re-energized. Ever grateful having met Adam... His Boss, Jim

adam hanauer said...

Thanks for stopping by Jim. I meant every word of it!