Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday

Celebrated my mom's birthday this weekend. Went to assembly at Central Church of Christ. It was good to see some old friends and family. We then spent the rest of Sunday at mom and dad's house. Besides the Bengals looking like the Bengals of old, it was great time. We shared a meal together and got to give mom some pretty good presents. I am proud she is my mom. She has taught me so much about loving and caring for people. Blessings to you mom!


Getting ready for Thanksgiving. We celebrate thanksmas with Scott and Glenna this coming Thursday. I am looking forward to more time with family and celebrating all that God has blessed us with.

And finally the great theological insight! As we search to be church, especially in a corporate setting - no two experiences will/should be the same. The church, because it is organic in nature is always growing and changing. If that is true, then our experiences together will be different. So, if you believe this at all, then why do we try and mimic or manufacture certain expereinces from week to week?

Emily and I were part of an amazing small group in Cincinnati, but it is not the goal to make our current small group experience like that one, right? We have to allow room for the Spirit of God to move among the community of believers seeking and searching for the will of God in their lives. Hard for me (and I think most humans) to grasp this. We constantly want what once was. We have a hard time trusting God to bring us something fresh and new, or at least I do!


Vaths said...


It was good seeing you guys briefly this weekend.

adam hanauer said...

Same here. You and Melissa are an inspiration to Emily and I. Continue to stay in touch.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of a conversation not so long ago, that change is the only constant in our lives, and that home is a place that exists largely in memory only. I've been ruminating on the same thoughts recently...must be the holidays that make me nostalgic. Kind of bittersweet when I'm honest with myself. Appreciate you and your family.