Wednesday, June 18, 2008

it's been a while

it has been a little while since i wrote anything. we were in cincinnati this past weekend, and then i flew to milwaukee for a meeting monday. got back in town last night, so i was pretty exhausted.

we had a great time in cincinnati. got to see two reds games. they lost both, but both were special in their own ways. saturday - jason and his little boy hunter, and i went to the game. it was very excited and we left pretty pumped. they lost in the bottom of the tenth, but i got to share some good times with my brother and nephew. sunday, jason, josh, dad and myself went to the game on father's day. again it ended in a disappointing reds loss, but how often does a guy get to go to a game with his dad and brothers? i would guess, not very often at my age. it was a blessed time watching a "not so blessed" team.

starting reading "everything must change" by brian mclaren last night. his premise for the book is the teachings of christ "do" actually have something to say about our world's deepest crises, or issues. in large part, he asserts, western christianity has only preached "jesus as a personal savior" and not the god who is reconciling the world, and advancing his kingdom now.

i have come to believe there is a big difference in believing in god's kingdom opening up and moving in our very midst; rather than a god who "takes care of the sin problem" and then leaves us with no alternative for our existence on this earth. we believe in a god who has opened up heaven to us, and set us free to live transformed inspired lives.

i am convinced there is going to be people in heaven, we never thought would be, and people in hell we surely didn't expect!

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