Monday, June 23, 2008

letter from kylie

kylie was doodling on a piece of paper today, and then she brought it to me. she climbed up in my lap and said "daddy, can i read to you what i wrote?" below is what she claims it said:

i love my mommy and daddy very much. i won't plan to hurt my mommy and daddy, and i will come to them when they call me. they are so thankful to me, and i love them. that is why i jump in the pool with them, and they love others on vacation. i will be really sweet and behave. i will do it! i love my mommy and daddy they are very great to see me."

even though the sentences are not well constructed and it doesn't make sense in parts, i accepted it for what it was - an expression of her love for us.

at the end of it i told her how much it meant to me, and the expression on her face was priceless. she was so excited to have made me happy with her words.

"let the little children come to me"
"unless you become like a child you cannot enter the kingdom of god"

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