Had an interesting lunch with George and Alex Wilson(preaching minister of Portland CoC.) today Hope to begin some work with him in the Portland area - maybe I will learn something.
Now on with the real point of this blog:
1. Daddy, it is a BIG one! (Kylie while on the potty)
2. Can I have a S-N-A-C-K? (heard it 1,000 times if I have heard it once)
3. Daddy, you have a big face. (while getting ready for assembly Sunday morning)
4. OOOH - Daddy you have hair on your pickles. (anytime I am without a shirt)
5. Can I have a S-N-A-C-K? (oh did I already mention that one?)
6. Daddy, I think I need to watch AH SAMANI-A. (when she wants to watch the Lion King)
7. Not quite!!!! (when we say it is time for bed)
8. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for mommy, daddy and Simba. (prayer time)
9. Will you tell me a story about Princess Skylie? (story time character - you know? Not Princess Kylie but Princess Skylie. Daddy is so smart.)
10. Did I just pass gas? I did! Am I stinky? I am. (you get the point)
There are so many - maybe I will start writing them down.