Saturday, July 14, 2007

Taylorsville Lake

Taylorsville Lake
Originally uploaded by adamhanauer
We spent the day on the lake with mom and dad. We were all pleasantly surprised with Taylorsville Lake. I hadn't heard much about it, so I wasn't expecting much, but it turned out to be a great little lake. There were no shortage of boats and wave runners out today. What can you expect on a 85 degree sunny Saturday in July?

We got to see most of the lake. The kids were well behaved and Kylie didn't pee in the boat this time. We definitely counted that as a small victory. Emily and I got to do some tubing - and I got to fling Emily off of it once. She was a real trooper and had a lot of fun.

I was also pleased with the distance. Took us about 35 minutes from our house. Hopefully mom and dad will make the trip again real soon (wink, wink).

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