Thursday, February 21, 2008

lot happening

we have had a lot happening the last week or so. it has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for our family, but we are getting through it, by god's grace.

got off work early today - ice storm in louisville. not sure what we are in for tomorrow, but should be interesting.

was speaking to a friend at okolona and began talking about - you guessed it - predestination. he happened to have a debate from 2002 that took place at southland christian between some profs from louisville bible seminary and asbury. it was pretty neat, and successfully gave me a headache trying to keep up with these guys. at first i might have said this wasn't an important debate, but i am realizing just how important it is. we are debating god's character, his very nature. that should always be important. and just in case you were wondering - i am NOT a calvinist, after watching the debates!


"now we know that if the earthy tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from god, an eternal house in heaven, not made by human hands." i corinthians 5:1

verse of the week

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