Friday, December 28, 2007

conflict and tension

not all conflict is bad. not all tension is bad. for example as followers of jesus we should be living in a type of conflict and tension with the world. most of us spend our time running from anything that resembles conflict. we want to "keep the peace" or not "rock the boat." we think somehow if we just don't talk about it, it doesn't exist, or "it" might just go away. i am learning that talking about the elephant in the room is the only way to get it out of the house.

jesus tended to tell stories that brought people into conflict with their "old" way of thinking. he used everyday life to teach and bear witness to the conflict between living as everyone else does, and living under his reign. the absence of conflict is not an indication for healthy lifestyle and/or relationship. in fact, i would argue that it might be just the opposite.

we shouldn't be "stirring up trouble" at every turn. we shouldn't be known for "ruffling feathers" whenever possible, but sometimes it is necessary, and healthy. to grow in christ and in our relationships there will probably be conflict. i know it is true of marriage. emily and i have conflict - not finger pointing, but conflict. i am growing, she is growing and we are learning to deal with things as they come - humbly, gracefully and with a lot of forgiveness. i think that is god's way.

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