Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday Night

Was able to have dinner with George and Ann, and attend a bible study with them. It was a good experience. Great to see and spend time with good friends. Great to be in the presence of honest seekers.

When I got home Kylie was waiting for me to put her to bed. When I was rocking her quietly, after a story and some scripture reciting, she quietly whispered in my ear "I love you daddy." It felt like she really understood what those words meant, and to me it meant the world.

Made me think about the last time I was quietly reflecting on God and from an honest heart said "I love you daddy." Isn't that what God is looking for from us? To gently allow him to rock us and hold us and be overwhelmed by his goodness and love for us. So much to the point we can't help but say "I love you daddy." He wants to be that close to us, and for us to experience him in that way.

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