Monday, March 24, 2008

electronic dialogue

as you may have known, if you read this blog with any regularity, i have been engaged in a mostly electronic dialogue with a couple brothers of differing opinions. today was the issue of violence. now i have my own convictions on this subject - but again i would argue that the difference in opinions is our reading of the gospels. it gets at my last post, and what i was trying to communicate. anyway, here is a comment that strikes straight to the heart of why we disagree:

Context, Adam. Jesus is talking about how you relate to others in individual matters. Jody and aren’t arguing that Christians should be able to randomly kill anyone who offends us. The passage has nothing to do with governmental matters. You’re isogeting.

this was just after i sited christ's words in the sermon on the mount. he said i was taking it out of context - in fact, so he informed, jesus' words here have nothing to do with "governmental matters."

huh? really? i informed him, we have nothing more to discuss on this issue then!


johnthreethirty said...

my name made your blog !! of course, it wasn't my quote, but i'm still in there.

adam hanauer said...

oh i am sure in due time your quotes will make my blog - they are so timeless. and you mostly only quote bible anyway, right??