Friday, March 14, 2008

good ending to tough week

had a busy tough week at work. couple of confrontational situations caused a little added stress, but i survived, and hopefully was faithful to jesus throughout the process. had a wonderful dinner with emily this evening. we splurged a little and ate at a "fancy" restaurant - big salads, big steaks, a little wine and a delicious dessert. all in all it was a fantastic night and great way to end the week of work!

if you are interested at all in my last post, greg boyd is talking about pretty much the same thing on his blog - check out the link on the left. wrestling with ot tough passages and contrasting them with god revealed in jesus. i am certain he will provide much deeper insights that i ever could, and i look forward to following his thoughts on the subject.

looking forward to spending some time with my family. didn't get to spend a lot of quality time with them this week, so i will be soaking it up over the next couple of days!

our verse for this week is from jesus' sermon on the mount:

"in the same way, let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise you father in heaven."

may our daily interactions, our comings and goings, reflect the light of the one we follow.


johnthreethirty said...

glad you got to unwind a little last night. the new blog layout looks real good.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you have the sense to savor the moments with the family; something I overlooked a lot of times at your age.
I concur, this layout is easier on my eyes.
Love you,

George said...

Confrontation --- stressful?? That's an opportunity to get energized and be the man (Jesus' man, that is). Watch out for the dead calm. Now that is stress!

In any case I'm glad you and Emily had a great evening.

Looking forward to coffee.
